Friday, August 29, 2014


“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

“The beauty of the mustang will bring out the beast in you”

Friday, August 22, 2014

Advertising on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social media website where people can connect on a daily basis. People can go to this site to promote both themselves and their business. A person’s profile on this website is a lot like a resume. People describe the field of work they are in and their past experience. “LinkedIn emphasizes professional affiliations, work experiences, skills, and job titles” (,2817,2120736,00.asp). There are a lot of tips for a person to get the full affect of this site. One of these tips is to ‘grab names’. “Edit the URL on your profile so it reads with your actual name like this: If you leave what LinkedIn automatically does for you there will be lots of extra numbers and characters which confuse people” ( This will help it be easier for people to find you when they are searching LinkedIn. Another tip is to be professional. People won’t take you seriously if you have pictures of yourself at parties and other nonbusiness events. You want a person that may be hiring you to see your profile and think of you as a professional. A third tip is to make the headlines on you profile interesting. “A great 5-10 word branded, keyword worthy article headline is magnetic. It screams “must read this”. It might not be what someone was looking for but, because of the title, they are compelled to read it” ( This is important because it will make people want to read your profile. It will make people read it that might now be fully associated with your field of work but they might know someone that could hire you. These three tips are all very important to consider when you are creating or updating your LinkedIn profile. I haven’t had my LinkedIn profile that long meaning that I have little experience with this website. I have done lots of research on it though and have asked friends and family how their experience with it has been and they all said it was very helpful. Due to this, I think that LinkedIn is a very helpful site for people looking for a job and people that are looking for people to hire. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Superbowl Commercial

This Budweiser ad is targeting adults who drink alcohol. Budweiser is also trying to target both men and women. They create an emotional effect to attract women while keeping a rugged feeling to keep the attention of men. 

What is shown in this commercial is a bond between a puppy and a horse. A puppy keeps escaping from its cage. Every time it escapes it goes to a stable to see a horse. The horse and the puppy play for a little until the puppy is taken back to its crate. The puppy is then put in a car and is leaving the ranch. The horse sees the car and ‘calls’ the other horses. The horses run and stop the car. The puppy and all the horses return to the ranch and the friendship between the one horse and the puppy grows and becomes stronger. 

The commercial was shown during the Superbowl in 2014. It has been shown on TV and has always been watched many times on youtube. It takes place at a ranch.

The ad was shown in 2014 during the Superbowl. The Superbowl is always known for having the best commercials of the year. This is why Budweiser showed this commercial at this time. They thought that it would have the most viewers meaning that the impact would be very big. 

Budweiser created this commercial to show the bond that it has with its customers. 

The ad was very appealing to the viewers. It was different than most commercials. Commercials shown at the Superbowl are usually funny but this one has a more serious approach to the viewers. This makes it stand out from the other ads and this is how the ad was so effective. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Women In Advertising

Women have always been represented differently than men. Men have been shown as working, public people but women have been shown as people who stay at home and make other people happy. The three ads above show how women are starting to be represented as more than that. They are shown as being more sporty and outgoing than in ads from the past. Women used to be portrayed in ads as being housewives; they wouldn't leave the house and their only job was to make their husband happy. “Women have always been expected to fill specific gender roles as the cleaning, cooking, or child-bearing sex machine” ( Nowadays, women are seen as business women, leaders, and even professional athletes. “The message that we feel resonates in the magazine, that we’ve really seen resonate is about female leadership and about women fessing up to being ambitious and wanting big jobs, a lot of money and leadership roles” ( This is a quote said by the editor in chief, Joanna Coles, of Cosopolitan magazine. They try to show in their magazine that women shouldn't be ashamed of wanting to be ambitious and become big leaders. In the ad below for Reebok, women skaters are shown. It also says “And so my fellow women ask not what you can do for everyone else’s happiness but what you can do for your own” ( Women are being encouraged more and more every day to fulfill what makes them happy. Over the years, women have been encouraged to do more and more things in their life rather than be housewife and this will continue for years to come. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Jerry Della Femina

Advertising has always existed but there are few people that have severely influenced it. One of these people is Jerry Della Femina. “Jerry opened a new agency, Jerry, Inc., in December 1992, with the announcement that he had been awarded the Newsweek account” ( His agency had a number of clients that were (and still are) big names such as Marvel and the New York Mets. A few years after this was created he wanted to merge with an agency named New York office of Ketchum Advertising. This alliance that was formed brought in so many new clients. As the years continued, he also wrote a book. His book was called For Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor. “In 1970 Jerry Della Femina wrote this gossip-filled, insider's account of working on Madison Avenue during the golden age of advertising. It caused a sensation, became a bestseller and established itself as a cult classic. Years later, it inspired the multi-award-winning drama Mad Men” ( This book made people understand all the different aspects of advertising. Today, he is still in the advertising field. "Mr. Femina serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Della Femina Rothschild Jeary and Partners Advertising (also known as Della Femina, Rothschild, Jeary and Partners). He serves as Secretary of East Hampton Independent"( Jerry Della Femina will continue to be well-known in the advertising industry.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tobacco Advertisement

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
In this ad for tobacco a woman is sitting on a giant box of KOOL cigarettes. She is holding a burning cigarette in her hand and has a huge smile on her face. It seems as if she has no worries about how the cigarette is affecting her. 

2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?
The setting of this ad looks like it is a place that people want to be apart of. It also is a happy setting. The woman looks happy in order to make people think that if they smoke then they will be happy. 

3. Who are the people or groups?
The person in this ad is a young woman. She is pretty and this helps the brand appeal to women. They feel that if they smoke KOOL cigarettes then they will be pretty and have fun like the woman on the ad. 

4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?
The point of view that KOOL has is that cigarettes are good for people. They make people happy and allow them to have a fun time. They also think that this ad replicates a “cool” woman and they hope that it makes women want to be cool.

5. What are their goals?
This company’s goal is to make more women buy cigarettes. 

6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?
They assume that this ad will lead to selling more boxes of cigarettes to young women. They perceive young women as wanting to be cool and  stylish so they try to portray this in their ad. 

7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?
The conflict has to do with the health factor of smoking. People are always questioning how smoking can affect ones health. This could lead to people not buying cigarettes but people could also see this ad and get a desire to smoke. There is cooperation because there are people that smoke. 

8. What are the outcomes?
The outcomes of this advertisement are an increase in sales of cigarettes and tobacco products. People will also see the name and the brand and will gain more knowledge of it.